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OSTF Minutes 01/05/2009
                                               OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE
                                                    January 5, 2009

Attendance: Pat Botteron, Louise Evans, Sue Larsen, Betty Osbourn, Roy Normen, Marcia Banach, Karl Reichle, Heffler, Jim Snow, Betty Warren, Herb Asplund

Chairman Pat Botteron called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.

Public Participation

Acceptance of Minutes

      Minutes of the November meeting were accepted as amended.
New Business

       Betty Osbourn passed out the town maps for us to have as reference.
        Marcia Banach had e-mailed everyone a revised rating sheet for review. Several of the concerns expressed were: OSTF needs a better definition of natural drainage, size of the property should be given greater weight, does the property have contamination, rating of properties not on the master plan, and need for preservation.  Herb Asplund will look at concerns and revise the rating sheet for the next meeting.  
Old Business        

         Betty warren asked about the status of the nelson property.  Pat Botteron responded that she spoke with Matt Galligan last Tuesday and he was waiting for appraisals on both the Jurgelas and the Nelson properties.  
         Pat Botteron had extra copies of the handout from the Roberts Rules class if anyone was interested. She will try to get extra copies of the pamphlet given to all chairmen.
Other Business

     No correspondence.

The next meeting will be February 2nd .

    The meeting was adjourned at 6:37 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sue W. Larsen